A Conscious Journey to Self-Awareness

Sacred Dream is a non-profit 501(c)(3) which is supported by a diverse group of individuals. We have been mentored, taught, and brought to awareness of our own need for healing. Thus, we decided to create an institute to encourage the growth and guidance of the Spirit within the Sacred Space of who we are.

The hummingbird represents joy, agility, and connection to the spiritual realm. The tree with its roots symbolizes grounding, wisdom, and ancestral heritage.

“We first must be well to do the work of the people”

Laura Castañeda

Founder and Teacher

Laura has worked in community development for the last 25 years with Native American/Alaska Native and First Nations people in many locations including rural Alaska communities and Canada. In recent years, Laura’s main focus was on the development of mental health programs for youth. She serves as a Spiritual Guide and Teacher to complement her master’s in social work.

Skipper Russell-Shimek

Founder, Sage Teacher and Mentor

Skipper is a peony farmer and tribal healer. She is from Northwest Alaska, and we at Sacred Dream refer to her as a “sage”, an individual within a tribal community who possesses deep wisdom, knowledge, and experience in traditional healing practices. She works both locally and internationally. Sages are often highly respected and revered for their ability to provide guidance, spiritual healing, and remedies based on traditional indigenous wisdom.

She is considered to be a wise elder who holds a profound understanding of their tribe’s cultural and spiritual traditions, and she plays a vital role in promoting the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all those whom she is connected to.

Marisol W. Wolf

Marisol has completed the Sacred Dream Healing Process session and is a graduate who is becoming a student teacher. She is a third-year doctoral student at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Her doctorate in psychology (Psy.D.) thesis is a study of a Sacred Dream Healing Process and is efficacy using both qualitative and qualitative measures. Marisol is currently completing practicum hours working with children as a bilingual school psychologist in San Lorenzo, California.

Founder and Student Teacher


We transform personal and collective trauma into healing pathways for individuals and communities using ancient knowledge, traditional wisdom practices, and customized leadership formation and training.


To joyfully connect with the timeless wisdom of our Ancestors, embracing their teachings to illuminate our path and enrich our lives with purpose, harmony, and fulfillment.


  • By listening to and embracing Ancestral knowledge and wisdom, we tap into the wisdom that resides within us. Our intention is to create a joyful life.

  • By applying Ancestral wisdom, we gain clarity and new perspectives. 

  • We feel forgiveness is a powerful tool that frees us to release unwanted energy.


  • Honesty is a central value. To be honest is to be present in all that you do, speaking with words that have strength and hope.

  • Heart-centered we feel is to be open, receptive and willing to do God’s work. To be in a heart-centered environment is one that is open, honest, giving and receiving of love.

  • Unity of mind, body, heart and spirit is central to us. When we come from this place all things can be accomplished. Together we can do what we cannot do alone.

  • Integrity comes from the Spirit. To be a person of integrity is to be a person who lives within the light of God’s healing Love.

  • Authenticity embraces truth that aligns with positivity. To be authentic is to be true and unwavering. Authenticity is the connection between your words and actions, turning truth into deeds.

  • Joyfulness is the act of being in balance with all things. Joy is reflected and how the world sees us. To be in a state of joyfulness is to be in a state of true balance and acceptance of self.

  • Gratitude stems from the state of awareness that you are not alone in the journey of life. Within the spiritual realm, expressing gratitude strengthens the connections that guide, protect, and nurture your being to grow significantly.

  • Forgiveness comes from a state of surrendering your pain, hurt, and grief. It comes from trusting that you are being guided to a place of healing.

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